Who are we?

Jana Gams, dr. vet. med., CCRP

My cynologic path started more than a decade ago, when I, as a young girl, saved enough of my pocket money to buy my very first own dog – a westy. Because I have never wanted »just a dog«, I decided to learn more about dog training – and together we learned a lot about problem solving, tasted competitive spirit and first podiums in heeling, and proved (especially to ourselves), that by will and effort one can achieve anything.

My life continued to be connected with animals also when signing up for faculty – quite obviously, I chose to be a veterinarian by profession. Later on Brie and Genie, two border collies, joined us, and opened me the door to all sorts of dog sports: agility, FCI obedience, rally-o, sheepherding, dogfrisbee, dogdance, canicross and more and more… - but we ended up competing only in agility and FCI obedience for the last few years in the row now. Because I soon realized, I want to combine my passion with my proffession, and because I believe one must never stop learning, I signed up for continued education to become a CCRP (Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner) at University of Tennessee – and now I wish to put my knowledge into use, and offer it to all who need and seek for such services.

I enjoy spending active time with my dogs and my wish is to use my knowledge, and enable also other people to spend good time with their four-legged friends for as long and as quality as possible – be it just on regular walks, or in other activities and dog sports.



Tery, Brie and Genie


.:: If, out of time, I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I'd pick the moment I met you. ~

April 13th, 2004 - September 24th, 2020

My best teacher, who pushed me into the beautiful world of cynology, positive motivation based training and thinking »outside of the box«.


 .:: Everybody stumbles across a golden opportunity at least once in a lifetime. Unfortunately most people just pick themselves up, dust themselves down, and walk away from it... ~ I didn't.

Date of Birth: May 23rd, 2011

  • Agility grade A3
  • FCI Obedience grade OB3

Also sheepherding, canicross, rally-o, dogdance, dogfrisbee, tricks, commercial filming, show performances, …

She opened me the door to all sorts of dog sports and activities, connected me with new fantastic people and is my forever idol regarding how she takes life at ease and just enjoys the moment.


.:: The unexpected is usually what brings the unbelievable ~

Date of Birth: June 9th, 2014

  • Agility grade A3
  • FCI Obedience grade OB1

She is a fantastic co-worker who takes work very seriously and doesn't accept from me anything less than my best. But, being unique in her own goofy way makes her the true clown of our team!


Primož Gams

My greatest support, my »partner in crime«: biologist by profession, and a passionate mountain biker with years of experience in the sports-field. He will take care of administrative and organizational work in our team, and he will certainly contribute a lot with his innovative ideas and solutions!

Contact us

Dogs4motion Ltd

Canine Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine

Dobja vas 253

2390 Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenia

+386 40 186 321

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Company is supported by MPIK RRA Koroska.

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.
© 2018 | Authors: Web agency Si-TEAM